


Psoriasis manifests itself on the skin but it is not a disease of skin. It’s an obstinate skin condition but an immunity related disorder and needs to be approached in a different way.

On an average we see a new patient of psoriasis every two weeks. Many patients have already tried one or more forms of conventional treatment where it is treated merely as a skin disorder. However, the effect has usually been only brief and at some stage the psoriasis has come back. Patients are, therefore, looking for a more permanent “cure” for their condition, while others would simply like to lessen their use of steroid creams or other conventional treatments.

There are different types -psoriasis vulgaris, plaque psoriasis, appear in big patches of thickened skin usually with white/silvery scales on the elbows and knees, but also other parts of the body. When one finds lots of small scaly spots and patches the condition is called psoriasis guttate. This form often affects children and is frequently triggered by Bacterial throat infections and often disappears by itself within a few weeks or months. Psoriasis pustulosa, usually presents with little yellow pustules and affects the palms of the hands and soles of feet. In up to 50 per cent of psoriasis patients, nails can also be affected. One can see small indentures in the nails or circular discolorations under the nails. In more severe cases the nails can thicken and separate from the underlying nail bed.

There is a selection of conventional treatments on offer, starting with topical treatments, then phototherapy (light treatment) and then stronger, oral treatments. Homeopathy medicine when carefully selected ,keeping in mind the triggering factors for psoriasis have enormously helped the patients in the itching, checking the spread patches of patches and limiting the further spread of the lesions which not only helps the patient physically but also positive impact on social and emotional well being.