
Addictions and Homeopathy

We are not homosapiens any more………….we are what sapiens!! ( addiction to social media)

Photoshopitis and sefitis being considered the new WHO disease classification terms…may be!
The definition of addiction is by no means clear. When does a social habit end and an addiction start? The Oxford Dictionary says it is “doing or using something as a habit, or compulsively”. Webster’s Dictionary defines addicted as “enthusiastic devotion, strong inclination or frequent indulgence”. Psychologist John Bradshaw provides the clearest definition of addiction as “a pathological relationship to any mood altering experience that has life damaging consequences.” By using the word experience, the net is spread wider.

Addiction is not just about the “sex, drugs and rock and roll” scene. One can be addicted to gambling, food, tobacco, stimulants, prescription drugs (tranquillisers, and maybe even Prozac), exercise, the Internet, computer games, television, designer labels, work,shopping,smartphones,social media … no wonder we hear the terms candycrushitis too often!

The key in understanding the nature of addiction lies in John Bradshaw’s words – the “pathological” relationship and its “life damaging consequences”. It’s as if too much of a good thing is not enough. A pleasurable habit, such as a drink with friends, is not an issue, but a compulsive need to drink oneself into oblivion each and every night is an obvious problem that needs attention.

The consequences of many addictions like smoking and drinking to excess are recognised, yet ignored by the addict. At one level there is an understanding that a price must be paid, but the person is so dependent on the habit that the realization of the risks involved is almost irrelevant.

To quote Pooh or popoye, the world’s most famous honey and spinach addict “Diet is die with a t”..
The first step in any successful treatment programme is for the person to admit there is a problem and want help. When living in the delusion of “this isn’t a problem, I can stop drinking/smoking/using any time I chose” there is no way forward. Denial of the problem must be faced first. This is not as easy as it may sound.

Alice Cooper, infamous for his theatrical stage acts with defenceless pythons, demonstrates one man’s courage in dealing with alcoholism. A friend of Jim Morrison of The Doors, he lived the rock and roll “dream”. The lyrics of his Addiction impacts not only on the addict, but also on the whole social group, and it is crucial that any treatment takes this into consideration. Homeopathy may be used as an adjunct to the treatment of dependency problems. Obviously the main stay of treatment must be on a medical / psychological level, but homeopathic treatment from a professional may assist in the detoxification process and help with healing the emotional issues.

Alcohol, tobacco and drugs leave their mark physically.Alcohol literally pickles the liver, and several homeopathic remedies are beneficial in improving liver function. The liver not only acts as the body’s natural detoxification organ, it also manufactures many important chemicals, including those relating to normal blood clotting. It is not uncommon to find a bleeding tendency in those who consume excessive alcohol. Fortunately, the liver has immense powers of regeneration. One literally has a new liver every six weeks, which is why alcohol abusetakes so long to bring about permanent liver damage. Homeopathy can enhance this natural self-healing process.Appropriate homeopathic remedies can facilitate the detoxification process and assist with the emerging emotional issues. When addiction has been used to mask the emotional turmoil within, this will rapidly emerge. The demons within emerge as soon as the drink departs. The person is left vulnerable, frightened and often overwhelmed by the force of these long buried emotions. It takes great strength not to relapse back into former habits.

As homeopathy deals with the whole person, on every level: mind, body and spirit, it is perfect for assisting in this transitional phase. Expert counselling assists in the process. Some homeopaths are trained in counselling skills, others work in conjunction with counsellors.